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Trafftrans - Services

Traffic Counting

Manual Counts provides information on the composition of the traffic (any vehicle class configuration), the time of day and the magnitude of the peak period traffic, directional splits and detail vehicular movement volumes. Counts are usually conducted for periods less than 24 hours and can also include pedestrian movements, traffic queues and delays.

Automatic Electronic Counts are conducted when information is required on vehicular movement for periods exceeding 24 hours, utilizing intrusive as well as non-intrusive equipment. Information that can be provided, includes traffic composition (full vehicle classification) volumes, peak periods and hourly volumes, directional splits, daily average and total traffic volumes.

Cordon Counts are used to establish the traffic flow into, through and out of predefined areas as well as the time spent within such areas. These counts can be done manually, through electronic data collection (video) or by means of number plate surveys.


TRAFFTRANS and our counterparts have developed a capacitive weigh-pad for measuring the dynamic load on the road of vehicles in motion, both at high and at low speeds. Detailed information can be provided on axle loads to establish damage to the road base due to overloading, and for various other reasons that require vehicular and axle loads such as road pavement design and vehicle overloading management.

In an independent test (Cost 323) done in France by the European Commission as part of the WAVE project, our weigh-pads were rated top of the range in its class i.t.o. accuracy and data reliability.

TRAFFTRANS has also acquired approval for the supply of a variety of SSWIM (slow-speed weigh-in-motion) weigh-pads in association with Central Weighing, United Kingdom. These temporary- and permanently installed systems operate at speeds up to 15 km/h with a very high accuracy level, satisfying the requirements for overloading control and prosecution.

Traffic Behavioral Surveys

Speed Surveys are conducted at specific locations for establishing the speed characteristics of the entire traffic streams at such locations.

Headway Surveys are required to establish warrants for the level of service (LOS) at unsignalised intersections, right-turning facilities, merging capacities at freeway ramps and freeway section capacities.

Travel Time Surveys are usually required as part of before- and after-studies for the introduction of new roads and/or facilities (i.e. one-ways, toll roads, BRT routes, etc.).

Traffic Queue and Delay Surveys provide valuable information on the length of queues at intersections and the amount of delay experienced by road users due to road, traffic characteristics, intersection saturation flow rates and total traffic delays.

In line with the requirements of the new SARTSM Vol. 3, applicable to all SADC countries, queue lengths are required to establish the warrants for signalisation of intersections.

Roadside Interviews can provide valuable information on the perception of road users, their needs and requirements as well as the characteristics of drivers and vehicles.  

Loop Installations

The use of loops (temporary or permanent) includes applications such as traffic counting, speed measuring and prosecution, headway and gap measuring, traffic signal control activation or green time extension and parking access and management control.

Through our association with well-known traffic and transportation engineering practices, TRAFFTRANS is in a position to provide most, if not all, of the services you, the client, may require.

Our full bouquet of traffic services includes:

        • General surveys:
Installation of permanent counting stations
Installation of permanent WIM survey stations
Traffic survey planning
Traffic data analysis
Origin-destination analysis
Road hierarchy planning
Traffic growth analysis
Traffic counting programmes
Parking utilisation
Road user perception evaluation
Traffic data statistical service
Traffic data database maintenance
Location of toll plazas
Vehicle Tracking

Manual Counts Sitemap

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